WHO and UZINFOCOM Convene to Discuss Digital Healthcare Advancement in Uzbekistan
On January 29, 2025, the World Health Organization (WHO) Representative Office in Uzbekistan hosted a pivotal meeting, jointly initiated by WHO and UZINFOCOM, focused on advancing digital healthcare initiatives within the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The meeting convened representatives from several key stakeholders, including:
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The Ministry of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The State Health Insurance Fund
The Project Office "Center for Healthcare Projects"
The Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
UZINFOCOM, the Unified Integrator for the Development and Support of State Information Systems
International partners, including representatives from KFW Bank, UNOPS, GIZ, and other donor organizations.
During the session, UZINFOCOM specialists showcased innovative digital solutions developed for the healthcare sector. These solutions, designed to enhance data management efficiency and facilitate integration with international standards, were highly commended by the attendees for their functionality and potential to contribute significantly to the development of Uzbekistan's national healthcare information system.
The primary topics of discussion encompassed:
An overview of current WHO initiatives in the realm of digital healthcare.
Exploration of prospective collaborative efforts to advance the digitalization of healthcare systems.
Strategic planning for the continued development of the national healthcare information system.
The collaborative efforts of both national and international partners are recognized as being of paramount importance to the modernization of Uzbekistan's healthcare system. UZINFOCOM affirmed its commitment to the continued implementation of cutting-edge technologies and the development of advanced digital solutions for the healthcare sector.
The organizers extend their sincere gratitude to all participants for their constructive contributions and the overall success of the meeting.